Last week I was supposed to have dyed the rovings for the Seaside Bag as part of my Queen's project - last week wasn't a good week.. After numerous telephone calls I finally managed to sort out the insurance claim for the car and then collapsed in a heap - all very traumatic and drama queenish. Perhaps delayed reaction or a bug I don't know, but back on top form again now - which is more than can be said for the top seeds at Queen's - nuff said.
Monday I dyed up five hundred grams of Falkland (not the new very squishy stuff) in really bright colours using my new Landscape dyes. They are a joy to work with, wish I had found them earlier on in my 'dyeing career'.
Have decided that the colours also represent the jerseys worn by the riders - yellow for the race leader, green - for the leader in the sprint points, and the red polka-dot jersey - king of the mountains. there is also a white jersey for the best young rider - so I have just about got them all covered - the other colours can represent the colours of the various teams which are very bright.
These rovings are now reserved and cannot be touched until Saturday 3rd July which is tricky as I shall still have two days of Wimbledon to go with the shawl - choices, always choices....
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