Saturday didn't start well - first off, we woke to Molly (our Persian) being sick.... great just what I needed, but she didn't stop and kept retching. When I managed to get hold of her and got her mouth open I could a sewing needle sticking into her hard palate - rang vet, too early, so was on the door step at 9 o'clock when they opened - 15 mins and £72 poorer the needle was out and Molly, although groggy, fine.
After all that drama I was late for the Felting Class I had booked at the Spining Weal 'More Felt Bags' with Kirston Hill-Nixon'. I had thought about felting before but never got round to doing anythin about it (as you do!) but when I saw the one day course I thought I would give it a go - and I am really glad I did. It was FUN and messy and I got wet....
The bag was made with Corriedale fibre grey on the inside and pink on the outside, that is four layers of each laid one up and one side to side (if that makes sense) and then I added some multi-coloured merino to create a pocket on the front. That part was relatively easy - then came the hard work rubbing with soap - reminded us of washing days 'gone by' and we even used a washboard!
The finished result looks like this:
I ran out of time, so I didn't round to felting some dreds for handles, so cheated and bought black plaited handles which I will attached when the bag is totally dry and I may add a large purple or pink button
Sorry about the cat, and even sorrier about the cost.. but what lovely felt...