Over the last couple of months I had been considering the state of my study - well it doesn't do to rush things now - does it? Mr S had been very patience with me, as my stash or sable (stash acquired beyond life expectancy!) was fast encroaching into the sitting room with no real method or space. At the end of last year I had made a half-hearted attempt at sorting things out - squeezing/doubling books on shelves to make room for more storage - but things came to a head with my new sewing cabinet - I had to make room for another cupboard and things were becoming rather a squeeze.......
I had to decide - lecture notes and books or stash which was more important - that was the question and I finally came down in favour of stash. So Sunday morning I threw away years of lecture notes and copies of journal articles that had been packed away under our bed - it was very hard and took much longer than it should because I kept stopping to read something that caught my eye - but they all went into the great big shredder at the local tip - very sad and the end of an era!
Into the space created I have put all (well nearly all there are a few that I am going to sell) my text books packed neatly in boxes under the bed (my theory on under bed spaces is that unless filled up they just become dust traps and have to be cleaned - filling up the space stops both!) By late afternoon the relocation of my books complete - the shelves were nearly bare!
The transformation continued on Monday and by Monday evening I had a fully stocked 'studio'
With a place for everything and everything in its place, well that won't last long as I am notoriously untidy, but I have started with the best of intentions!
I still have fibre, yarn and stuff elsewhere (neatly hidden), but what this exercise has shown me is that my stash is VERY, VERY SMALL! Minuscule in fact and so SMALL and NOWHERE near enough for the sort of life expectancy that I intend to have! This means shopping. yes I must go shopping - very soon!
Oh - next week we start on Mr S's space - that is going to be a real challenge!!!!
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